more responsible.
Corporate Social Responsibility
At ENKOTEC, we prioritise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in all aspects of our operations. Our nail manufacturing machines and services are designed to offer responsible solutions that also boost our customers’ competitiveness.

Responsible Nail Production
With ENKOTEC as your partner, you are sure to get a nail manufacturing operation with a reduced environmental impact.
The ENKOTEC nail manufacturing process is oil-free and, as it is possible to efficiently evacuate dust, the nails produced on ENKOTEC nail making machines are so clean that there is no need for subsequent nail tumbling. This allows time and energy to be saved on the nail production process.
Among other advantages are a low energy consumption, a compact and space-saving machine design, and a low-noise production process, ensuring an agreeable working environment.
It goes without saying that all our nail manufacturing machinery is in compliance with the highest international standards for both safety and user-friendliness.
Supplier Code of Conduct
ENKOTEC’s supplier code of conduct includes principles on labour, human rights, environment and ethical conduct and is compliant with the UN Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Suppliers shall commit themselves to uphold the human rights of workers. Workers shall always be treated with dignity and respect.
- Suppliers shall commit to ensuring safe working conditions and a healthy working environment for their workers.
- ENKOTEC expects its suppliers to share the same considerations of mitigating harmful impacts on the environment and climate.
- ENKOTEC requires its suppliers to commit to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Suppliers shall strictly follow all the applicable anti-corruption laws.
- Suppliers shall respect intellectual property rights, both those of ENKOTEC and of its customers.
Focus on Environment
Our environmental policy encompasses both the natural environment and the workplace environment.
The objective of our environmental policy is to make sure that ENKOTEC's activities will have a reduced impact on the natural environment and will not negatively affect the health and safety of our employees. This is in accordance with ENKOTEC's general business objectives and management principles.
ENKOTEC always cooperates with the authorities, neighbours, customers, suppliers and employees regarding environmental conditions. The development of new products and any expansion of buildings or changes in production will take into account how to apply the principles of clean technology and sustainability.